Chapter 12 - School Life

Chapter 12 - School Life

Tane and Daniela are the only two children on the island.  The Kin Ship house has a toddler Nani and all the other houses are empty.  Journey's End house is sitting empty, with the Kahananui's having moved out and living afar and hoping to return. So the population is quite low that it couldn't support a school.  So I'm assuming that Tane and Daniela must take a ferry to the mainland to hop on a bus to get to school.

Nani will eventually age up soon to join Tane and Daniela as the children of the island.

Kade often works from home and travels over to Mua Pel'em for various surveys. On Saturday, with no school, Daniela travels with him and snorkels at the buoy while Kade does his thing. Daniela's motor skill is close to level 8.  This spot is turning into a family favorite.

Halloween arrived and the Helms' dressed up in the Star Trek theme. With Halloween, I left in Feast Day, Winterfest, New Years, and Easter in as the holidays. Winterfest and New Years are filled in with 'Winter Break' and in the Summer there is a 5 day Summer Break.
It's nice to get a break from the rut.

Had Daniela take a walk around the Neighborhood, along the beach line from her house, and got a good distance away when the rain started to come down. By the time she got back home she was drenched.  Kade was waiting for her on the front porch, staring down at a one wet kid, with the thought of a lesson learned.

It was a good storm, and all in the house was a bit uptight about it.  Me personally loves thunderstorms, except when the lighting strikes close by.

The family past time is to spend it on the chess table.  Daniela's mental skill is now at 7 and Kade's is approaching 9.  It sure beats TV any day.

Mom and daughter time to stare at the stars. Storms on the island are tense but short and so with time on their hands, and the whim, Leila and Daniela spend some time together under that stars. 'And if get lost, you can use the stars to get back home.'

Putting daughter to bed and no work tomorrow seems like a good time to light up the romantic candle.

There is Tane. Kade and Tane hit it off right away and is becoming a regular visitor to the Helms' house.  I just couldn't get a 'Stay overnight' option, so after the game he went home.  With Feast day approaching, I may move him in for a few days to see how he is doing in school.


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